Most people have no idea of the concept of the number 1 trillion thus leaving them in the dark concerning the colossal robbery that is taking place by our representatives in D.C. and the "bailed out" bankers.

Go backwards in history 1 billion seconds and it takes you 31.7 years to late 1977.

Now go back 1 trillion seconds. Are you sitting down? 1 trillion seconds takes you back to almost 30,000 B.C.!! That's SECONDS!

Spread this to your friends and family and watch the befuddled look you get every time.

The look you get will indicate disbelief. DO THE MATH and wake up!

This is from the deck of Illuminati NWO playing cards released in 1995

Who have they been saying is the "Leader" of the republican party in the news the past 4 weeks? - Mike

The bottom of the "Dittohead" playing card reads: "This group can only be controlled by a Personality ... This card always has the same alignments as its Personality, plus "Fanatic". If the Personality is already Fanatic, the fanaticism of the Dittoheads is considered the same alignment for all purposes."

Many people will truly be shocked to hear that a Rush Limbaugh Dittohead Card is part of this Illuminati deck, and for very good reason: Rush Limbaugh is a very sophisticated part of the New World Order Plan to overthrow the Old World Order! In NEWS1030, "Rush Limbaugh!! Mega-Dittos To The Master Communicator", I explained my personal trip through "Rush country", from the beginning of the 1990's to the time in 1996 when I fully understood reality. At first, I was really taken by his personality, his grasp of the difficult issues facing America, his apparent Conservatism, and his refreshing humor. I really felt like he was speaking my language, giving verbal expression to my political feelings. Rush Limbaugh had become a Messianic-type leader of the American Conservatives. It is incredible that one man could so coalesce such a large group into one meaningful force. Rush is their leader, and he has become their icon. I had never, ever, heard anyone so brilliantly, and so consistently, articulate the issues in which I had always felt so strongly. Rush also seemingly championed Christian causes.

But, what does this "Dittohead" card say about the "Personality" who controls the "fanatics" under his spell? Listen again:

* "This group can only be controlled" -- As you listen to the people calling in, you can realize they are being controlled by the Personality of Rush Limbaugh. In the guise of learning to think for yourself, the vast legions of Limbaugh listeners have unwittingly become "controlled by the Personality". After all, that is the true meaning of "Dittohead" -- they are so in agreement with Rush that they only think that they are thinking for themselves.

* "This card always has the same alignments as its Personality" -- The people calling in to the show definitely show strong evidences that their views are fully aligned with the views of Rush Limbaugh! Many callers even express this alignment by saying something like, "I agree with you 98% of the time". Now, that is alignment!

I encourage you to read NEWS1030 as I fully explain the reasons I became convinced that Rush Limbaugh was not a truly Born Again Christian and was not even a true Conservative. This whole process took until mid-1996 to complete. For the better part of 6 years, I was a Ditto Head. But, God was gradually changing my mind as He opened my spiritual eyes.

Do not be deceived by Rush Limbaugh. He is a very clever part of the Illuminati Plan, just as this card indicates. I believe his purpose was to so enthusiastically grab the leadership of American's Conservatives that he could get NAFTA passed, first of all, and then so he could act as a lightening rod to harmlessly discharge Conservative anger over the Liberal policies being enacted to move us into the New World Order. The Illuminati knew that real Conservatives were going to become very angry when they saw some of the terrible actions that Liberal and "Conservative" leaders were going to have to carry out if the globalist agenda were to ever go forward. Conservative anger is a mighty force, and can destroy a movement -- a Plan -- if it hits its target squarely.

Therefore, Rush Limbaugh is to ensure that Conservative anger would be harmlessly discharged through him, as the national lightning rod! Limbaugh brilliantly examines the problems facing America and he describes these problems in a manner which seems Christian. However, he fails totally in espousing the solution. Limbaugh's solution is to elect more Conservatives, preferably the Republican Conservatives he favors. And, right now, that favorite Republican is President George W. Bush, the old unrepentant Skull & Bones Illuminist [Read NEWS1314 for details on Skull & Bones] and that Bohemian Grove participant.

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I've always been one to search and dig and at first my digging was geared towards unlocking secrets, prophecies, and parables in the Bible. In 1999 a friend of mine's sister gave us this book written by Dr. Dennis Cuddy called "Secret Records Revealed." Anyone who read this book could look around and see that something WAS rotten in Denmark.

In this book the author rarely interjected his own thoughts simply letting the elite expose themselves with their own words in many different publications in all aspects of society. When Alex Jones says it's documented, this is no exaggeration; The elite publish what they are going to do before they do it and as Pastor Lindsey Williams said, "It's part of their 'moral code' to do so."

The one thing that launched me out of my seat into the world of researching the NWO on a daily basis came while I was driving over the road in the eastern 38 states. Any truck driver knows that when you are driving late at night, Coast to Coast is a must have on your radio dial.

George Noory was having a round table discussion one evening with Alex Jones and 2 other guests when all of a sudden Alex blurts out, "The power elite want to reduce the population by 80%!" After I picked up my jaw from the floor I told myself it's time to find info on what these guys are saying. As I said I was already primed from my previous reading so it was not too hard for me to swallow.

I had a delivery at a Home Depot somewhere in Ohio and I pulled in early but to my delight there, across the mall parking lot, was one of those giant book store chains. I jetted over there and found David Icke's "Alice in Wonderland: Why 9/11......."

It was while reading this book that 9/11 was beginning to look shady to me. So much so that it exposed something very interesting to me and since then i have posted my account of 9/11 several times but really only got one reaction.

It has to do with me and the morning of 9/11, and after my research of the powers that be it makes total sense what happened.

On the morning of 9/11 I was sitting in the parking lot of the cabinet shop I worked at in Macheseny Park, IL listening to WXRX, the local classic rock station out of Rockford, IL. It was about 7:20 a.m. central standard time which is 8:20 a.m. eastern time when the DJ came on the air and stated, " It has been reported that a small plane has hit one of the towers in NYC....." Remember it was 7:20 a.m central and 8:20 eastern time.

It was while reading a section in David Icke's book that he was showing the timeline of the tragedy when I was jolted, realizing this can't be correct. He documented that the first plane hit the north tower at 8:44 eastern standard time and I said to myself he is either wrong or they sent it out on the wire before it happened. Further research revealed the official time of the impact of the first plane was 8:44 eastern standard time. 24 minutes after the report I heard on WXRX.

We started work every day at 7:30 central time so I know I was sitting in my truck about 10 minutes before hand, as I said, sipping my coffee and listening to this news bulletin on WXRX.

The one response I did get when posting my experience in blogs tried to tell me that my memory of that morning could have been off because of the tragedy of the day. But there is no way that can be true and here is why.

Say my memory is off and I actually heard the DJ say that on my break period at say 9:30 central time. This would be 10:30 eastern time AFTER the 2 towers already collapsed! The DJ most certainly at that late a time in the attack would not be reporting that a small plane hit one of the towers. Everyone already knew the towers had collapsed.

They sent this news out on the wire 25 minutes before it happened in my opinion, to get as many people as possible to their television sets as they could, to witness the second plane hit the south tower.

The most sickening psychological operation in the history of the United States of America. And as I said of my previous readings how the elite publish what they will do before they do it, it made my memory of that morning that much more concrete.- Michael